The RBLA Team

Committee meetings will be held on the first Tuesday of every month at 6pm.
Committee members are to attend with life members always welcome as well. If you are interested in joining the Committee, please email us to confirm the date of the next meeting.

How Can I Help?

Our Centre cannot maintain its standard of excellence without a team effort. Weekly competition is run entirely by the parents of the athletes. All parents are therefore required to pitch in to help. Where families consist of more than one child it is hoped that both parents, if in attendance are happy to lend a hand rather than just watching from the sidelines.

RBLA Management Committee

Centre Manager René Doel
Registrar Rebecca Kreuger
Treasurer David Bynge
Secretary Nikki Durre
Officials Officers Paul Molesworth, Gavin Johnston,
Sean Sandford & René Doel
Chief Recorder Nikki Durre
Assistant Recorder Chantel Savvas
Field Maintenance Officer Gavin Johnston
Equipment Assistant Sean Sandford
Programs Gavin Johnston
Sponsorship Sean Sandford, René Doel
Blue Card Officer Shannon Morrison
Social Media Officers Rebecca Kreuger (Information)
Nikki Durre (Reels Facebook/Insta)
Matthew Brown (Photos)
Canteen Convenor Kristy Turello
Assistant Canteen Rebecca Carr
Secretary of Minutes Menetta O’Reilly
First Aid Officer Kirsten Price
Coaches Paul Molesworth
René Doel
Kathleen Norman
Uniforms Officer Menetta O’Reilly
General Committee Lisa Cebulski